How it all started...
In early 2011, a group of 9 families started to meet in living rooms and coffee shops around Salem. Several families were involved with Young Life (a ministry to students). Others were involved with like-minded churches in Botetourt and Roanoke. Still others were praying for God to move, and were searching for a home. The final piece was a young(ish) pastor and his family who had just moved to the area. They all shared a common desire: to see more of God's Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven, and a belief that God wanted to do that through them. We didn't want to just go to church. We wanted to be the church!

Growing into the vision...
As this group became established, God started to add to their number. College students, young families, empty-nesters...more and more people were drawn to this idea of living with a mission. 'Church' wasn't just a place to go on Sunday or an organization to give to - it was a people to belong to, a true community where people were restored and then sent to be agents of restoration. This idea - to reveal the Kingdom and restore the community to wholeness in Christ Jesus - continues to drive us.
Where we are headed...
While we've seen a lot in the last 10 years, we know there's still room to grow! We long to see people come to experience the grace and mercy of Jesus. Our desire is to see schools, campuses, workplaces, and neighborhoods all transformed because God's people know they have been sent to bless their world. We believe every follower of Jesus is a missionary to the very people where they live, work, learn, and play. If enough of us believe this mission and live into this calling, we know God will move and our city will be different!

Be a part of the story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10 am at the Salem YMCA.