- Head straight down the main hallway to the gym for worship. While there are still basketball goals present, our set-up team makes sure the room is transformed every Sunday into a place of worship.
- On your way to the gym stop at our refreshments table and grab a coffee or tea.
- When you arrive at the Salem Family YMCA you'll head into the main doors and be greeted by a member of our Welcome Team at the Check in Table.
- This is where you can check your children into RestKids or ask any general questions.

- We say worship starts around 10:10am, but you may notice that we don't always start right on time. Don't worry - that's pretty typical! We're a highly relational church so we often use this time to catch up with friends or meet new folks. So don't be surprised if someone comes over to say hi!
- Our worship band is incredibly talented and made up of all volunteers. We have so many musically gifted folks that you may see different leaders on different days.
- Terry Ishee is our Lead Pastor; he typically preaches about 20% of the time. The other Sundays you are likely to hear from one of our Teaching Team members.
- We believe the church benefits from hearing different voices and perspectives.
- We believe the church benefits from hearing different voices and perspectives.

- There are prayer tables on either side of the gym where you can fill out a prayer card or join together in prayer with other believers.
- Typically, our time ends with Communion, we come forward to receive Communion and remember that Christ lived, died, and was raised to life for us.
- On the way out of the gym you can find connect cards and giving envelopes on a table. Both of these can be dropped into our giving towers by the gym doors.
Common Questions
What time does worship start?
10:00am...but the first few minutes you may be thinking, "shouldn't be we getting started?" This is part of our time to hang out together, catch up, and meet new people. We're laid back and highly relational.
What should I wear?
You can wear whatever makes you feel comfortable to worship the Lord! Dress up, throw on your jeans, or come in your pajama pants - we don't care. As long as you're wearing clothes, you're good.
Does Restoration belong to a denomination?
Restoration Church is non-denominational. We partner with some sweet church networks that help with training and accountability. Read about them on our mission partner's page.
Do you have plans to build a building?
We have been meeting at the Salem YMCA since 2012 and don't have any plans of changing that. We are passionate about our resources being used towards the Kingdom so meeting in a gym helps us lower expenses and be in the community.
What do kids do during church?
We are a church that believes that children and students are worth our investment. Kids of all ages can participate in life with Jesus! We have two pages with tons of info, visit the RestKids page or the students page to find out more.
Where do staff work during the week?
While we worship at the Salem YMCA, we are only there on Sundays. We have a pretty sweet office space on Main Street in Salem that we call the Cave. It's right next to Mill Mountain coffee so stop in and say hi!